Wilson’s Garlic flavoured Oil


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Wilson’s Flavoured Garlic Oil

The perfect partner on your sunset picnic – add to your baguette, or to your bruschetta slices! Alternatively, create the best croutons ever. Or add to your soup or pasta for some extra flavour. Make your hot dogs fancy or add to your roast veg pan to put a twist on your roasted veg that the whole family will love.

This product is Halaal and Kosher certified.

Recommended Storage Conditions: Store in a cool dark place or refrigerate

Shelf Life: 2 years

Pack Sizes: 250ml, 1L

Nutritional Information per 100ml (Specific Gravity 0.92)

Energy (kJ)……………………………….3400

Protein (g) ……………………………….0

Carbohydrate (g) ……………………..0


Fat, Total………………………………….92.0

Saturated (g) ……………………………7

Monounsaturated (g)……………….53

Polyunsaturated (g)………………….32

Trans fatty acid (g)……………………<0.5

Cholesterol (mg)……………………….<1.0

Dietary fibre, total (g)……………….0

Sodium (mg)…………………………….<0.1

Dietary Suitability

Vegan Suitable (No meat, milk, eggs, honey)……..Yes

Lacto Vegetarian Suitable…………………………………..Yes

Ovo Vegetarian Suitable…………………………………….Yes

Lacto Ovo Vegetarian Suitable……………………………Yes

Halaal Suitable……………………………………………………Yes

Kosher Suitable………………………………………………….Yes

Hindu Suitable (contains no beef)………………………Yes

Weight 0.92 kg

250ml, 1L, 6 x 250ml, 12 x 1L


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